David's Story - English Version

Our precious little David was born in the summer of 2019, we already had a prenatal diagnosis of Down Syndrome and congenital heart defect, he stayed in the hospital after was born for 15 days and when he was two months old due to his low weight Surgeons couldn’t operate his heart, so he had a bandage surgery of the pulmonary artery, the Lord has been with him since then, God miraculously lift him up from several cardiac arrest and respiratory failure, David stayed for two months in the ICU in Cardiologist Hospital in Monterrey, Mexico, David’s condition was very fragile and Doctors did a tracheostomy in order to have him extubated and may go to the pediatric ward, we remained in the pediatric ward for three weeks and then he was able to go home on November 2019, PTL! We had some training at the hospital for the trach care and we started to be his nurses at home, now everything was in our charge, the Lord gave us grace and strength to do it, it has been a hard journey for all of us, our family has change, our two other boys and our responsibility as a parents. We are very grateful that friends, family and brothers and sisters from different parts of the world took our load and joined us in prayer for David and all our situation, we couldn’t stand without all of them, special thanks to the IGO Church in Chiang Mai, to our Church in Monterrey to a dear sisters and family that visited and brought us meals at the hospital for three months, we couldn't thank enough, our hearts were comforted by you all.

At the beginning of 2020 we were praying about to return to Thailand to the mission work that the Lord allowed us to serve for 12 years at Hope for the Family in Thailand. Everything was prepared for the return, also God provide a sister from our church that is a nurse to travel with us and help in the care for David living in Chiang Mai with us as we are very involved in the special needs and caring for David 24/7. Just before the travel, David got sick and was admitted to the hospital for several days, we were discharged and continue to care for him at home with also some feeding difficulties, this has been a huge challenge for us as David had a feeding tube for six months, the transition has been very difficult. We also learned about occupational and physical therapy for him and sensory stimulation to practice at home.

Our return to Thailand was just before the Covid-19 lockdown and we were able to re-take our rolls in HFT, here we started to check David’s medical condition such going to the Cardiologist, and Eye check up, in May was the first visit to the Eye doctor and she said that David might develop cataracts, also we started to go to the ENT department for the trach care and changing tube every month, as well to weekly therapies like speech and occupational therapy. In June 2020 David had a laryngoscope operation, we stayed at the government hospital in Chiang Mai for 4 days and doctor explained that he is still not ready to remove the trach, we should focus in the strength of his neck and continue physical therapy in order to get him hold the neck and be able to sit, at that time David was 1 year old and couldn’t achieve those tasks, his heart still has a large ventricular septal defect, that doesn’t allow him to have a better development and takes much of his energy, now David only weights 6 kilos and is 17 months old. We still have some feeding difficulties and we also are getting help from feeding therapist, our sweet little David cannot process much of the “normal” babies tasks, we are walking at his side learning to be more patient, kind and compassionate, we are still feeding him at night as he cannot hold much food so little by little we are moving forward, we do not know our Lord’s plans, but here we are putting everything in His hands.
